result count: 9

SC_423852_0You try to activate the [209226|Magic Transmission Device]...
SC_423852_1Zaaaaaa.... Ssssssss....... Zaaaaa.....
SC_423852_2The [209226|Magic Transmission Device] emits an ear piercing sound. It seems to be broken...
SC_423852_3You can only use the [209226|Magic Transmission Device] at the information transmission point.
Sys423852_nameInform the Captain
Sys423852_szquest_accept_detailUse the [209226|Magic Transmission Device] and tell the Captain about your findings.\n\nThis location can't receive magic transmission waves. Go to that area next to that horizontal piece of wood... Yes, that is where the sub-humans are gathered. You'll first have to clear away a few obstacles in order to report to Captain [117741|Issac Tobolin] without any interruptions.
Sys423852_szquest_complete_detailSo you say the [209226|Magic Transmission Device] only has static after its turned on, which means the magic transmission waves are being interfered with. That shouldn't be happening. How can there be any interference here? I don't understand...\n\nUh, I'll go report that such a precious device doesn't work. We need to figure out the reason for its failure.\n\nYou probably know that Eye of Wisdom mage over there, right? He's come looking for you.
Sys423852_szquest_descGo to the cross wood, and report the existence of the three-headed python [105365|Hydra] to Captain [117741|Issac Tobolin] by means of the [209226|Magic Transmission Device].
Sys423852_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis transmission crystal is so precious, hardly anyone has access to it. That's really too bad.