result count: 4

Sys423886_nameWarrior: Take Responsibility
Sys423886_szquest_accept_detailYour skills have reached a certain level. Unless a whole bunch of those pirates surround you, they are definitely no match for you!\n\nI will report your performance to Ms. Heffner, which means you will be assigned more responsibilities. Nervous? You should be excited instead!
Sys423886_szquest_complete_detailGood! Now you can use two different types of skills! The next step is to learn with your fists, understand? Go outside and find strong looking enemies, and use your fists to ask them about fighting and battle!\n\nGood disciple, one day in the future, when I don't have so much to do and that Heffner girl isn't watching so closely, I'll practice some moves with you!
Sys423886_szquest_descWarrior Instructor [117295|Axel Kaiyinth] has witnessed your skills. You will be assigned more important quests.