result count: 5

Sys423897_nameSkincare Materials
Sys423897_szquest_accept_detailYou look like you're fresh of the're new, right?\n\nWelcome. You must be heading to [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp] next. Before you go, could you do me a favor? Go to the coast of [ZONE_KLADIN_HARBOR|Hending Harbor] and pick me some [<S>117309|Hending Shells].\n\nDon't underestimate [117309|Hending Shell]. Once it's ground into a powder it has a lot of uses. It's good for the skin, and a lot of girls order it from me!\n\nI've had too many orders lately, and I don't have enough time. Until I get an assistant, all I can do is ask passers by for help. This little favor shouldn't take up too much of your time, and if you're willing to help me I'll compensate you.
Sys423897_szquest_complete_detailThank you, newcomer! Adventurers are really good at collecting things! Now I just have to grind it into powder and I can deliver on time!\n\nHere is the reward I mentioned. Don't worry, I wouldn't go back on my word.
Sys423897_szquest_descHelp [117308|Yoluta] go to the coast of [ZONE_KLADIN_HARBOR|Hending Harbor] and pick 10 [<S>117309|Hending Shells].
Sys423897_szquest_uncomplete_detailAll women, regardless of occupation or race, take care of their skin.