result count: 7

SC_423904_01Fask's face and hands are red and swollen
SC_423904_02Aaah! What happened?!
Sys423904_nameEndless Seafood Nightmare
Sys423904_szquest_accept_detailHuh? What? Cheryl sent you to find me? Because I might want to run away?\n\nIt's a misunderstanding! Those pirates aren't enough to scare me away. What actually made me run away was that "every meal is seafood!"\n\nI really don't like seafood, but lately most of the food in [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp] has been shellfish from the beach and river fish. Out of convenience, the cook has been cooking seafood every day! I almost threw up! Can you imagine the pain of eating something you hate every day?\n\nYou say you can relate? That's great. Then you understand how rude this misunderstanding is! I came here to find food. Help me find 5 [<S>105149|Zapa River Platypuses] as an apology!
Sys423904_szquest_complete_detailGreat! I've been waiting for meat for so long! Let's roast one right now!
Sys423904_szquest_descHelp [117409|Fask Pino] go to Zapa River and get 5 pieces of [<S>209039|Zapa River Platypus Meat].
Sys423904_szquest_uncomplete_detailGiven that Cheryl trusts you, catching 5 [<S>105149|Zapa River Platypuses] should be easy for you.