result count: 13

SC_423905_01Hello, new adventurer. Look at my goods. You can't find these things anywhere else on the island!\n\nIf you don't see what you want, you can tell me. My friend Egan is a travelling merchant. There's nothing I can't get!
SC_423905_02Give me a bottle of anti-itch medicine
SC_423905_03What a coincidence.\n\nI just got some new stock, guaranteed to be the most effective anti-itch medicine in all of Candara.\n\nIncluding shipping, it would normally cost 500 gold, but since you're a new customer you can have it for 400. How many bottles do you want?
SC_423905_04That sounds a little expensive. Can you go lower?
SC_423905_05Here's 400 gold.
SC_423905_06This is already cheap. Any lower and I'd lose money.\n\nIf you don't have money, come back another time.\n\ time you may have to wait for a ship to deliver new supplies.\n\nIf you're not in a hurry, then waiting should be fine.
SC_423905_07Thank you for your business. Please come again.\n\n(You hear Hugope talking to himself)\nWhy are so many people buying anti-itch medicine lately? It looks like there's money to be made here...I'll have to talk with Egan next time.
SC_423905_08You don't have 400 gold
Sys423905_nameUnpredictable Allergen
Sys423905_szquest_accept_detailGod! What happened! Do you see? This red rash really itches!\n\nPlease! Can you go to the camp and get me some anti-itch medicine? There's a man named [117410|Hugope] there who should have it.\n\nPlease...and quickly...
Sys423905_szquest_complete_detail([117409|Fask Pino] applies the anti-itch medicine, and the rash immediately subsides)\n\nWhew...saved. That was frightening...I thought I was dead for a moment there...\n\nThese symptoms seem like the allergic reaction I used to get from eating nuts, but I shouldn't be allergic to platypus meat, right? I don't understand, but it looks like I should avoid it.\n\nThank you. You say you paid 400 gold? I only have 200 gold to give you. Don't worry about the rest.\n\nAs for Cheryl, I'll find a time to go explain in person. You can tell her that.
Sys423905_szquest_desc[117409|Fask Pino] has an allergic reaction to the Pango meat. Find [117410|Hugope] in [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp] and get some [209040|Anti-itch Powder].
Sys423905_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo itchy! So itchy! I can't stand it! Please! You have to go quickly!