result count: 13

SC_423911_01Are you willing to help?
SC_423911_02I am willing to help.
SC_423911_03Great!\n\nLet me formally introduce myself. I am [117439|Lebniz Rol], Deputy Captain [117288|Heffner's] most capable assistant. Although that's just me talking, haha!\n\nOk, no more jokes... As for the next matters, let's lower our voices... As I said just now, this requires a secret investigation.\n\nMy apologies for all the precautions. It's because there seems to be a spy in the camp. Even though it's just a hunch right now without proof, I still trust my intuition is right.\n\nHuh? Why are you looking at me that way, like you have your doubts? You think this is all a delusion?\n\nDon't think like that for now. Let me tell you, I have evidence for my suspicions.\n\nRecently there have been many strange events at camp. For instance, gear that was clearly inspected before hand suddenly breaks on the battlefield, or there are troops that suddenly get sick for no reason. Even though everyone always blames these events on individuals and treats them casually, they've been popping rather too frequently. And whenever the problems arise, pirate attacks always follow. Isn't that too much of a coincidence?
SC_423911_04So what do you plan to do?
SC_423911_05You've asked the key question.\n\nI'll divide this investigation between you and me. You go to adventurer training zone, kitchen, and equipment preparation area in [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp] to see if you can find any clues. I'll head to [ZONE_KLADIN_HARBOR|Hending Harbor] and see if there are any suspicious leads.\n\nOnce you've finished your investigation look for me in [ZONE_KLADIN_HARBOR|Hending Harbor], let's meet there!
SC_423911_07Ok, I'm off!
SC_423911_08Ok, I'm off!
Sys423911_nameWho is the traitor?
Sys423911_szquest_accept_detailI know you. You're quite active within the Adventurers' Guild. You've also earned the praises of Deputy Captain [117288|Nala Heffner]. That being the case, you should be a trustworthy person... Hmmm...\n\n(He mysteriously lowers his voice.)\n\nIt's like this: I'm conducting a secret investigation, so I need a strong and close-lipped adventurer's help. If you think you meet these conditions and are willing to help me, I'll let you in on the details.
Sys423911_szquest_complete_detail(Next to [117439|Lebniz Rol] stands a person whose head is lowered slightly, with a mixed expression of fear and regret.)\n\nHuh? You didn't discover anything over there? \n\nNo problem. Here I think I've found a suspected connected to this series of events.\n\nActually, I found him just as I was leaving the camp. He was holding a jar of something and acting sneaky, as if he had something to hide. When our eyes met, he took off running. At that point I knew it was him!\n\n([117439|Lebniz Rol] looks really proud of himself.)
Sys423911_szquest_desc[117439|Lebniz Rol] suspects there is a traitor in [ZONE_HARFEN_CAMP|Heffner Camp] and wants you to investigate the area.
Sys423911_szquest_uncomplete_detailHuh? You haven't finished investigating all of the locations?