result count: 16

SC_423917_01We've had to wait a long time. Is everything ready?
SC_423917_02Ah, right. I have already poisoned the food...
SC_423917_03It's great that you are working with us so obediently. I bet you still want your goods back, right?
SC_423917_04Yes, yes. May I ask... Are you the leader?
SC_423917_05Why are you asking?
SC_423917_06Oh, nothing. It's just that I often hear that the leader is great and wise, so I really want to meet him.
SC_423917_07Hahaha! You are good with words! That's right, I'm the leader!
SC_423917_08It's him!
SC_423917_09Now! Go!
SC_423917_10Damn! It's a trap!
SC_423917_11The leader's dead! Let's get out of here!
SC_423917_12We did it! Let's talk more when we get back!
Sys423917_nameSneak Attack on the Pirate Leader
Sys423917_szquest_accept_detailIf Furgol is right, [105285|Intimidating Pirate Leader] is now hiding in the bushes in front of us. Now you go to distract him and send me a signal if you think it's time. Then I will come out and attack him by surprise. \n\nAfter we successfully defeat the pirates, remember go back to the camp and report to Cheryl. I don't want to listen to her nagging. I will just make my rounds in the camp. \n\nOK, if you're ready, let's go!
Sys423917_szquest_complete_detailDefeat the pirate leader? Sounds good... but I guess my sister talked you into this right? Don't look so surprised, I know my sister quite well. Just now she was looking for some excuse to leave, so I know she was secretly planning something. \n\nHowever, I really have to say: [$playername], you are an excellent adventurer, thanks for helping my sister this time.
Sys423917_szquest_descAssist [117482|Nala Heffner] in killing the [<S>105285|Intimidating Pirate Leaders].