result count: 5

Sys423958_nameLife Hormone
Sys423958_szquest_accept_detailFriend, I need some [<S>209101|Aoluona] to add to my research. \n\n[<S>209101|Aoluona] is a hormone that stimulates growth. You can find traces of it on the [<S>105176|Burrow Food Plunderers] in this area. I need you to help collect some so that we can help our friends who have been frozen for so long.
Sys423958_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your help, friend. The winds of nature have blessed your bravery.
Sys423958_szquest_descHelp [117588|Anbenron] obtain 10 samples of the [209101|Aoluona] from the [<S>105176|Burrow Food Plunderers].
Sys423958_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [<S>105176|Burrow Food Plunderers] in this area live on the mountain paths in the south.