result count: 5

Sys423968_nameLet the Stone Regain Energy
Sys423968_szquest_accept_detailHi! The face of a new adventurer! Do you believe that all things in nature have their own life forces and energy? \n\nFrom your face, it looks like you have your doubts about this! I can understand. In the end, everyone has different sensibilities. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, can I ask you to help me do something? \n\nThe stone in my hand has already lost it's life energy. I hope you can go to the hillside near [ZONE_SAPT_RIVER|Zapa River]. There is a tower there that is made from a pile of stones. Place the [209196|Stone with no Energy] inside the [117727|Stone Tower Full of Nature Power] and let it be reborn. \n\nI hope you can go quickly. The stone's energy is getting weaker and weaker...
Sys423968_szquest_complete_detail(You put the stone inside the [117727|Stone Tower Full of Nature Power] and start to feel the energy from the Power of Nature as it covers the stone...)
Sys423968_szquest_descPut the [209196|Stone with no Energy] inside the [117727|Stone Tower Full of Nature Power] and let the stone regain its energy.
Sys423968_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo quickly! \n\nNo matter what doubts you may have, I believe that once you get there you will understand what I'm talking about.