result count: 5

Sys423976_nameFrightening Giant Mosquitoes
Sys423976_szquest_accept_detailHi! [$PLAYERNAME]! \n\nDid you see those frightening [<S>105164|Giant Basilisk Mosquitoes] when you were passing through [ZONE_BASILLI_SWAMP|Basilisk Swamp]? I get goosebumps every time I think about them! That buzzing noise...*Shudder* It makes me really uncomfortable! \n\nCan you help me wipe out some [<S>105164|Giant Basilisk Mosquitoes]? These giant mosquitoes are able to reproduce really quickly. I'm really worried that their numbers will keep growing every day until they come and attack this place. So I hope you can loan us your abilities!
Sys423976_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! [$PLAYERNAME] is really someone you can count on! \n\nThere are crises happening all over this place. It's fortunate that we have brave adventurers like you to help us so that we may live here in peace.
Sys423976_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_BASILLI_SWAMP|Basilisk Swamp] and kill 12 [<S>105164|Giant Basilisk Mosquitoes].
Sys423976_szquest_uncomplete_detailNot only do the giant mosquitoes attack people but they might bring diseases with them! Please hurry and go get rid of them!