result count: 5

Sys423978_namePerfect Jewelry
Sys423978_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], it's you again! I'm indebted to you for helping me bring back the [<S>209197|Precious Purple Pearls] last time. You did me a great service! Now I have another matter that I hope you can help me with. \n\nMy cousin really likes the jewelry I design. Her birthday is coming up soon and I want to give her a perfect piece of jewelry, but I am missing some important materials. I hope you can help me. \n\nPlease go to the [ZONE_BASILLI_SWAMP|Basilisk Swamp] and find a [105165|Deep Mud Cylotok]. Then pull an [209204|Intact Cylotok Fang] from its mouth. Of course I want a tooth that is perfect in appearance!
Sys423978_szquest_complete_detailMy eye is right again! This tooth not only has a perfect shape, its color is wonderful as well! Now I can prepare to begin my work. \n\nMany thanks to you, [$PLAYERNAME]!
Sys423978_szquest_descHelp [117729|Sanguis] obtain 1 [209204|Intact Cylotok Fang].
Sys423978_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's difficult to find a perfect tooth, but I believe that you will find one!