result count: 5

Sys423985_nameAn Irresistible Smell
Sys423985_szquest_accept_detailI'm feeling a bit hungry all of a sudden! \n\nYou know there are many different living things in the [ZONE_WILDERNESS_RESEARCH_CAMP|Desert Investigation Post], but when it comes to finding something edible, there is lots of homework you need to do. Among the people, I think [117734|Hanolika] is truly a cooking genius! Last time I had [209249|Rich Chowder] that she made. That strong yet refreshing flavor, really makes one's mouth water! \n\nAll this talk makes me have a strong urge to eat [<S>209249|Rich Chowder]. Can you help me ask [117734|Hanolika] for some?
Sys423985_szquest_complete_detailYes, it smells delicious! It's true that only [117734|Hanolika] can make such tasty chowder. Thank you! [$PLAYERNAME], I can't wait any longer. I need something to bite into.
Sys423985_szquest_descHelp [117733|Sadiya] by bringing back some [209249|Rich Chowder] made by [117734|Hanolika].
Sys423985_szquest_uncomplete_detailJust thinking about a mixed stew makes me so hungry! Please you must bring back some of [117734|Hanolika's] [209249|Rich Chowder].