result count: 5

Sys424017_nameCollecte d'informationsInformation Collection
Sys424017_szquest_accept_detailMaintenant que nous savons où trouver le capitaine député, nous allons pouvoir l'informer de nos découvertes sur les runes des [<S>105181|Anciens disciples désabusés]. Cela lui permettra de prendre les mesures qui s'imposent. \n\n\n\nJe ne vous accompagne pas. Je suis rassuré de savoir que le premier lieutenant se porte bien. Puisqu'il est au camp, je ferais mieux de rester pour surveiller les plaines. Je lui serai plus utile ici.\n\n\n\nJe compte sur vous pour transmettre ces informations sur les [<S>105181|Anciens disciples désabusés] au capitaine député en personne. Faites vite !Now that we know the location of the Deputy Captain, we can report to him about the [105181|Ancient Embittered Disciple] using the runes. He will know what measures are appropriate to take with this information. \n\nI'm not going back with you. As long as I know that the Deputy Captain is well, I won't worry for now. Since he's staying at camp, I may as well stay here and survey the situation on the plains. This will be of more help to him. \n\nSo, the last task I have for you is to take this information about the [105181|Ancient Embittered Disciple] to the Captain personally. Go quickly!
Sys424017_szquest_complete_detailAinsi, [118028|Dower Delanin] est encore en vie. Connaissant ses piètres talents, je craignais qu'il n'ait pas survécu, cette nuit-là. Et voilà qu'il me procure une mine d'informations plus utiles les unes que les autres. Vous avez su vous rendre utile, vous aussi. [118028|Dower Delanin] ne manque pas de vanter vos exploits dans son rapport. Beau travail, [$PLAYERNAME].So it was [118028|Dower Delanin]. I had no idea that he was still alive. I was worried that he wouldn't be able to survive that night with his meager abilities. However, he's still alive and he has brought back such valuable information. You have performed very well too. [118028|Dower Delanin] made special mentions of your actions in his reports. Well done! Leader [$PLAYERNAME].
Sys424017_szquest_desc[118028|Dower Delanin] veut que vous apportiez le [209421|Rapport de Dower] à [117330|Fanger Chase] au [ZONE_TEMPORARY_FANGT_CAMP|Camp provisoire de Fanger].[118028|Dower Delanin] wants you to take the [209421|Dower's Report] to [ZONE_TEMPORARY_FANGT_CAMP|Fanger's Makeshift Camp] to give to [117330|Fanger Chase].
Sys424017_szquest_uncomplete_detailVous me cherchiez, chef ?Leader, why are you looking for me?