result count: 4
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys424018_name | La Capitana Heffner os está buscando | Deputy Captain Heffner is Looking for You |
Sys424018_szquest_accept_detail | Es verdad, casi se me olvida... De hecho, la <CS>Capitana Heffner</CS> me dijo que tras explicaros la situación, os dijera que la buscarais.\n\nPor la expresión de su rostro, debe de tratarse de algo urgente. Será mejor que os deis prisa y vayáis a buscarla. | Oh yes, I almost forgot. Actually <CS>Deputy Captain Heffner</CS> told me that after I explained the situation to you, I should tell you to find her. \n\nFrom the look on her face, it must be urgent. You should hurry and find her. |
Sys424018_szquest_complete_detail | Por fin estáis aquí, [$PLAYERNAME].\n\nHay un asunto muy importante del que quiero hablar con vos. No os preocupéis, no es nada malo. | Oh, [$PLAYERNAME], you're finally here. \n\nI have something very important that I need to talk to you about. Don't worry, it's not anything bad. |
Sys424018_szquest_desc | La Capitana [117288|Nala Heffner] os está buscando. Id a buscarla. | Deputy Captain [117288|Nala Heffner] is looking for you. Go and find her. |