result count: 7

SC_424028_0Report the battle situation
SC_424028_1How shocking that Maderoth would seek to slaughter our warriors. This means that the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech's] surprise attack was no coincidence. Far from it, it was no doubt the result of meticulous planning!
Sys424028_nameUrgent Matters
Sys424028_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], do you still remember Gessart and Captain Ise, the two you once assisted? Although they've done quite well at the front, I fear for them. After all, no matter how sturdy, there's only so much elemental damage someone can take. \n\nGood thing I have this [240798|Defensive Rune Set] that was just sent over. Our warriors can use it to resist elemental damage. Head out to the front lines and help shore up their guard!\n\n[Sys424028_szquest_uncomplete_detail|Keep your eyes peeled when you arrive at the front. We've lost a lot of scouts and are severely lacking for sources of intelligence. If you come across anything peculiar, report back to me at once.]
Sys424028_szquest_complete_detail[<S>106722|Gloomy Barons]... I've heard reports from the front lines. Among the followers of [119864|Maderoth], there is a group of assassins that is already responsible for the deaths of several key generals. \n\nThese assassins can move freely on the [ZONE_BLOODY_BATTLEGROUNDS|Bloody Battlefield] without fear of attack from the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]. This doesn't make any sense. All our previous experience tells us that these monsters will attack anything with a pulse. \n\nYou also reported on the situation regarding [<S>106773|Kulech Splitters] on the [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform] prior to this. \n\nWe can almost be sure that [119864|Maderoth] is using the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]!
Sys424028_szquest_descReplenish energy shield for [106677|Ise Shekkat]. \nReplenish energy shield for [106679|Captain Gessart]. \nReport on the tide of battle.
Sys424028_szquest_uncomplete_detailKeep your eyes peeled when you arrive at the front. We've lost a lot of scouts and are severely lacking for sources of intelligence. If you come across anything peculiar, report back to me at once.