result count: 5

Sys424052_nameRumors Stop at a Wiseman
Sys424052_szquest_accept_detailAbout the information you've come up with... It can be divided into two parts. [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea] isn't in my jurisdiction... So I must leave it to you to deal with the rumors in the [ZONE_ANGOLA_MINES|Arcurion Mines]... \n\nYes... Currently there are the garrison troops that we dispatched as well as the [SC_ALLIC_COMMUNITY|Ailic's Community], who arrived a few days ago, and a group of sneaky merchants at the [ZONE_ANGOLA_MINES|Arcurion Mines]. Asking everyone straight out is the simplest method, don't you think?\n\nThe [ZONE_ANGOLA_MINES|Arcurion Mines] are in an area south of the camp. If you're still not clear on where they are, just leave the camp and walk south and you'll see them. [$playername], this matter is extremely urgent. Please find the answer quickly and report back to me.
Sys424052_szquest_complete_detailIt looks like this area of land also has a tragic history... \n\nNow that the [ZONE_ISAAC_CAMP|Issac Camp] rumors have been dispelled, take this information to Deputy Captain [117847|Tilheim Finster] in [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea]. I hope he can shed some light on these strange occurrences!
Sys424052_szquest_descAsk everyone around the [ZONE_ANGOLA_MINES|Arcurion Mines] to find out if this is really happening. Find out the truth!
Sys424052_szquest_uncomplete_detailDo you have some progress to report? If you don't, please hurry up. The rumors are swirling around here... I don't have any idea how to console other adventurers...