result count: 4

Sys424076_nameFirst Arrival at Camp
Sys424076_szquest_accept_detailOooh... The rune stone was unexpectedly taken by the Eye of Wisdom. This is terrible! How will I be able to face the other researchers? \n\nTheir painstaking efforts have been destroyed by me... \n\n(He furrows his brow and looks at you with vexed eyes.) \n\nAdventurer, even though things have turned out this way, I must still thank you for your help in bringing the rune stone here. Go and report to your deputy captain, what's his name? ... Oh right, [117801|Jinners Zuken], go and report to him. I will find an Eye of Wisdom Mage and discuss the rune stone with him.
Sys424076_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], you're here just in time. I need you to take care of some things for me.
Sys424076_szquest_descReport to Deputy Captain [117801|Jinners Zuken].