result count: 21

SC_424086_1Under the influence of the Gathered Souls Magic Formation, the [209414|Rune Catalyst] will not have any effect. Quickly, go find [117735|Phiksi Yates], he will help you weaken it. Go now!
SC_424086_10You must have the corresponding quest to be qualified to use this...
SC_424086_11You don't have enough energy to activate it a second time...
SC_424086_12You wake up to see your vitality quickly disappearing like water in a desert!
SC_424086_13Just when you think you are finished, a force rushes through your body like a tidal wave!
SC_424086_14Hydra's image appears right in front of you!
SC_424086_15It begins an attack on Deliya's barriers as fierce as a thunderstorm...
SC_424086_16It seems it is ready to charge at the barriers!
SC_424086_17<CS>You must go with your companions and help Phiksi Yates weaken the Gathered Souls Magic Formation 8 times. That is the only way the Rune Catalyst can be used effectively. </CS>
SC_424086_2What are you waiting for? It's the best moment to use the [209414|Rune Catalyst]!
SC_424086_3Well done! Now it's time for the final battle. Take hold of your weapons!
SC_424086_4[117980|Jinners Zuken] shouts: Everyone, the barriers have been weakened! Get ready!
SC_424086_5[117980|Jinners Zuken] shouts: now is the time! Use the [209414|Rune Catalyst]!
SC_424086_6[117980|Jinners Zuken] says: We finally opened up a tunnel! Now [ZONE_DEEP_NIGHT_CASTLE|Gloombright Castle] is no longer an impenetrable fortress!
SC_424086_7You are not in [ZONE_Z14_XAVIERA|Xaviera]
SC_424086_8You are too far away. Please get closer!
SC_424086_9You are in the middle of casting a spell! Please focus all your energy!
Sys424086_nameWaiting Game
Sys424086_szquest_accept_detail(After he listens to your description, he holds the rune stone up before your face.) \n\nSo that I may focus on the battle, I will transfer the power to use this rune stone to you. \n\nIn order to unleash its full power, we must weaken the Gathered Souls Magic Formation's hold on the area. \n\nWhen the Gathered Souls Magic Formation's hold is weakened, remember to seize the chance and use the stone. Otherwise this golden opportunity will be wasted.\n\n[SC_424086_17|<CS>You must go with your companions and help Phiksi Yates weaken the Gathered Souls Magic Formation 8 times. That is the only way the Rune Catalyst can be used effectively. </CS>]
Sys424086_szquest_complete_detail[SC_424086_3|Well done! Now it's time for the final battle. Take hold of your weapons!]
Sys424086_szquest_descAfter the Gathered Souls Magic Formation has been weakened, use the [209414|Rune Catalyst] near the barriers in front of Gloombright Castle! However, you won't be able to do anything before the Gathered Souls Magic Formation is weakened! At this time, you can help [117735|Phiksi Yates] weaken the Gathered Souls Magic Formation!\n[SC_424086_17|<CS>You must go with your companions and help Phiksi Yates weaken the Gathered Souls Magic Formation 8 times. That is the only way the Rune Catalyst can be used effectively. </CS>]