result count: 5

Sys424119_nameCareless Loss of Treasure
Sys424119_szquest_accept_detailEeek...! It's terrible! What a failure! If I had only known, I wouldn't have carried them on me! \n\nOh no! I was just helping to transport supplies to Jinners Camp, then I was going to come back here. Then several [<S>209284|Garnets] went missing! If I had only known, I wouldn't have carried them on me! But it's such a valuable item... If I didn't carry it, where would I have put it? This is just great. I carried them on me, and now they're gone! \n\nI'm pretty sure that they got lost while I was passing through [ZONE_WAILING_FOREST|Wailing Forest]. If you are going through the forest, can you help me look for them? If we're lucky, then those [<S>105500|Wailing Worms] that eat rotten meat and other small things might have swallowed the [<S>209284|Garnets] that I dropped. I hope you can take a look.
Sys424119_szquest_complete_detailThank you, thank you! Even though there are still some missing, having these back is better than I expected!
Sys424119_szquest_descHelp the supply transporter [117862|Shin Heba], find the 10 [<S>209284|Garnets] eaten by the [<S>105500|Wailing Worms].
Sys424119_szquest_uncomplete_detailI obtained the [<S>209284|Garnets] when I was at [ZONE_ISAAC_CAMP|Issac Camp]. I thought I had struck it rich at the time. Maybe this is retribution for getting so carried away.