result count: 5

Sys424126_nameUndying Will
Sys424126_szquest_accept_detail(Let the sword of courage accompany [117881|Gennon Barris] and the helmet be returned to Silvershadow)
Sys424126_szquest_complete_detail([117847|Tilheim Finster] listens with a serious expression, then takes [209308|Gennon's Helmet])\n\n[117881|Gennon Barris]...I remember him. He was an ambitious and passionate adventurer who wanted to do something to contribute to Silvershadow, but he was too impulsive. I remember just a few days ago I told him not to get involved in the [ZONE_ROBEST|Robest] situation yet, and to wait for the right time.\n\n[$playername], thank you for bringing back his last words and will.
Sys424126_szquest_descReturn [209308|Gennon's Helmet] to [117847|Tilheim Finster] and tell him about the villagers of [ZONE_STATIC_LATHROFEA|Static Lathrofea] luring adventurers to be eaten by the dragon of Robest.
Sys424126_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou don't look well. What happened?