result count: 17

SC_424133_01Please initiate an attack otherwise you will fail the quest. many annoying insects...
SC_424133_BUSYHa ha, now doesn't seem to be the time to talk...wait a while and see.
SC_424133_FAKE_01Really funny. If there's nothing else then I'll go back to the village.
SC_424133_GILLIt just cried demon. Can this thing find demons?
SC_424133_MECELL_01Demon! Straight ahead! In disguise!
SC_424133_RUNWhen the smoke causes chaos, Yadunisi escapes.
SC_424133_SPEAKOPTION(Attempt to communicate with it...)
SC_424133_TIM_01Ha ha! I think a demon disguised as me is pretty funny, too!
SC_424133_WARNThe memory core points at Tilheim and sounds an alarm
Sys424133_nameSecret Manipulator of Lathrofea
Sys424133_szquest_accept_detailHa ha ha, our areas of research are different, but [118017|Seda Faar] and I are friends.\n\nOh? You've met before? It really is a small world.\n\nI've never seen the strange thing next to her before, but it seems to say some interesting things...
Sys424133_szquest_complete_detailI followed the demon traces the [118018|Memory Core] detected all the way here. When I got close, the [118018|Memory Core] suddenly started sounding a constant alarm and trying to move in this direction. So I came closer and found you.\n\nBut I'm honestly confused about the situation here. You could say I've been stumbling around in the dark.
Sys424133_szquest_descUnderstand the truth revealed by the [118018|Memory Core] and [544977|Play it by ear]!
Sys424133_szquest_uncomplete_detail[118018|Memory Core] is quite reliable when it comes to learning about the demons. You should listen carefully to what he tells you.