result count: 6

SC_424137_1There don't seem to be any more clues here...
Sys424137_nameDoctor Peter Myers' Concerns
Sys424137_szquest_accept_detailWhen it comes to ecological research, Benji is always reckless.\n\nWhat has me worried now is that not only has he not yet recovered from his injuries, but he wants to study the harpies that live in the forest! Everyone knows how dangerous that forest is!\n\nCan you help me look around near the camp and find my crazy old friend?
Sys424137_szquest_complete_detailRight! This is definitely Benji's bag. Where did you find it?
Sys424137_szquest_descSearch around outside the camp in the areas where harpies might be for the ecology scholar, [117679|Benji Dittle], or clues to his whereabouts. Then pass on any information you obtain to Doctor [117680|Peter Myers].
Sys424137_szquest_uncomplete_detailAccording to the transport team, there's a cave full of harpies not far from the camp. No one has ever dared to get close!\n\nMaybe we'll be able to pick up Benji's trail, I sure hope Benji isn't crazy enough to do something like that.