result count: 6

SC_424147_1You've found the missing horses but you can't handle them all yourself!
Sys424147_nameFind Missing Horses
Sys424147_szquest_accept_detailTsk! It's my fault for being careless!\n\nBecause the transport horses are often attacked when crossing the forest, some of them become unstable and prone to panic. Sometimes the slightest sound frightens them and they run away...There are definitely some horses lost in the forest!\n\nCan you help me retrieve them? Even finding one would be a big help to me! Thank you!
Sys424147_szquest_complete_detailYou located the missing horses? I'm so grateful!\n\nI'll be ready in a moment, we have to go get them all back right now! You have no idea how relieved I'll be when they're all back safely.
Sys424147_szquest_descHelp the team member who tends to the horses find the missing horses.
Sys424147_szquest_uncomplete_detailSigh! This is not good! I know they couldn't have run far. Can you try to help me look again?