result count: 6

SC_424149_01Yes! I understand...
Sys424149_nameUnderstanding the Condition of Injured Team Members
Sys424149_szquest_accept_detailProper care can really help with recovery... So if you could talk with them, but don't push them too might help the progress of their treatment.\n\nBut I want to remind you that these are all team members who have just begun to be treated, so their physical and mental injuries may not be completely stable. Understand?
Sys424149_szquest_complete_detailOh! So the situation isn't as bad as I thought! Ha ha!\n\nThanks for your reminder. Perhaps I was too focused on their injuries and ignored another important factor...they're all adventurers!
Sys424149_szquest_descSpeak with the [<S>118170|Weak Adventurers' Guild Members] in the infirmary to better understand their condition.
Sys424149_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow are they?\n\nHa ha! Some team members may not want to be disturbed. You have to be a little patient.