result count: 5

Sys424150_nameContinue Fighting the Harpies
Sys424150_szquest_accept_detailRecently the harpies have been carrying out guerilla attacks on the road to Delintas Camp, harassing us and blocking our way...\n\nIn the past there may have been a different explanation, but based on [209405|Benji Dittle's Notes], it seems there is another I believe that a force to continue fighting the harpies is necessary, no matter what the situation is now or how it may change.\n\nWhy don't you join in the action?
Sys424150_szquest_complete_detailGood job! They definitely didn't expect us to be able to counter attack!\n\nWe'll continue to control the current situation while waiting for the results of the battle ahead. When the time comes, we'll join forces with the reinforcements and wipe out the harpies!
Sys424150_szquest_descFollow the Deputy Captain's instructions, and go to the harpy nest to kill a certain number of harpies.
Sys424150_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave the harpies become more powerful? We can't give up so easily!