result count: 5

Sys424163_nameFlu? Poisoned!
Sys424163_szquest_accept_detailSneezing, nosebleeds, dizziness and loss of vision... When these symptoms appear, everyone will say: You have a cold. \n\nI remember when we first came here to set up camp, over half the people started feeling bad on the first day. The next day everyone had runny noses. We all drank some medicine, but it didn't seem to have any effect. The illnesses remained instable until the Fellowship of the Singing Spring Elves came. We then discovered that we didn't have colds, we had been poisoned by the phosphorus powder from the [105416|Ansilox Moth]. \n\nNow all the water and food here has been treated with a medicine that can eliminate the phosphorus powder from the [105416|Ansilox Moth]. The medicine runs out quickly, so I have to replenish it often. Perhaps you can lend me a helping hand and pick some [<S>209438|Silk Flowers] for me.
Sys424163_szquest_complete_detailThank you. I know that asking you to do this is overkill, but if you can handle such a basic task, I will have even more respect for you.
Sys424163_szquest_descPick 5 [<S>209438|Silk Flowers] and give them to [118059|Jener Tubiji].
Sys424163_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe feeling of being poisoned... is really terrible.