result count: 5

Sys424170_nameKill the Worms
Sys424170_szquest_accept_detailYou should know that the reason this stronghold exists is because it is meant to ensure that the forest path ahead stays clear. However, the [<S>105500|Wailing Worms] are always crawling around. They spit their corrosive poison everywhere. This has frightened the supply convoys and now they rarely have the courage to enter the forest. \n\nThe Fellowship of the Singing Spring, along with the Silvershadow and Ailic communities, has come up with a basic method for solving the problem. The most important thing now is to keep the forest path clear. We must begin by eliminating the [<S>105500|Wailing Worms]. also for the sake of the forest.
Sys424170_szquest_complete_detailYou've done beautifully. The [105500|Wailing Worm] is itself not a pest, but a flood of them is disastrous to us and the forest. Until there is a better method to solve this problem, we must kill them one by one.
Sys424170_szquest_descClean out the [<S>105500|Wailing Worms] crawling all over the [ZONE_WAILING_FOREST|Wailing Forest]. Kill at least 10 of them.
Sys424170_szquest_uncomplete_detailOur arrival here has disrupted this island's natural balance. Many animals are being hunted for food. This has led to an increase in populations for some creatures, since their natural enemies are being reduced. It's most apparent in the rapid breeding of the [<S>105500|Wailing Worms].