result count: 5

Sys424173_nameThe Harpies can't resist...
Sys424173_szquest_accept_detailPlump and tender [209447|Silvermoon Lake Frog Meat] is a food that the Harpies can't resist. However, they seem to be afraid to get close to water. Thus they can't catch the lake frogs. For us, catching frogs from the Silvermoon Lake is no big deal. We can use this fact as a bargaining chip when dealing with the Harpies. \n\nBrave adventurer, bring back 10 pieces of [<S>209447|Silvermoon Lake Frog Meat] so we can take further steps to fight the Harpies. We won't lose to those winged beasts!
Sys424173_szquest_complete_detailActually, we once tried putting an anesthetic on the lake frogs and then putting them in a trap to attract the Harpies, but they quickly learned our tricks and stopped falling for them. Now we're just going to use the frogs as simple tools in our battle strategy. When the Harpies come in for an attack, we'll throw the frogs to distract them... They are also useful in a retreat. \n\n(He says the last sentence under his breath.)
Sys424173_szquest_descBring back 10 pieces of [<S>209447|Silvermoon Lake Frog Meat] and give them to [118067|Liwagel].