result count: 5

Sys424179_nameAlma retorcidaTwisted Soul
Sys424179_szquest_accept_detailSabéis que la hechicera Deliya ha estado absorbiendo el poder de las almas de esta isla. ¿Sabéis qué les ocurre a esas almas? ¿Habéis visto a esas [<S>105415|Sombras abismales]? Deambulan sin una pizca de conciencia. Son sombras vacías creadas por el resentimiento. \n\nSí, lo único que dejan atrás esas almas son sombras incompletas de sus anteriores existencias. Jamás pueden descansar en paz... Id a eliminarlas de una vez por todas. Aunque no puedan renacer, al menos abandonarán tan atormentada existencia.You know that the Sorceress Deliya has been absorbing the power of the souls on this island. Do you know what happens to these souls? Have you seen those [<S>105415|Abyssal Shadows]? They wander around without a bit of consciousness. They're just empty shadows of resentment. \n\nYes, all these souls leave behind are incomplete shadows of their former selves. They can never rest in peace... Go and wipe them out completely. Even if they aren't reborn, at least they can leave their awful states.
Sys424179_szquest_complete_detailCelebremos su libertad. Habéis obrado bien.Let us rejoice in their freedom. You did the right thing.
Sys424179_szquest_descEliminad a 5 [<S>105415|Sombras abismales] y liberad a las almas incompletas.Kill 5 [<S>105415|Abyssal Shadows] and free the incomplete souls.
Sys424179_szquest_uncomplete_detailSé que es difícil llevar a cabo esta tarea, pero yo no querría en absoluto vivir de esa manera.Even though it is tough to bear... I wouldn't want to live like that if it were me.