result count: 11

SC_424228_01Don't you sell a scarlet-colored fruit here?
SC_424228_02Ah! Are you talking about the Divine Fruit? We do. We stock up on them every time that merchant passes through. Then we sell them to convoys to eat. It's a good way for envoys who don't know the area to replenish their energy. \n\nHowever... Those fruits are a treasure of the Land of Malevolence so they are not cheap! I tense up every time I buy one, but if we don't sell them to the knights, they will have a problem dealing with those Layod Wolves, not to mention their protection mission. They have to keep buying them.
SC_424228_03Does the merchant who sells the Divine Fruit come often?
SC_424228_04Not really. He appears regularly every half month, but he often brings a whole cart of Divine Fruits. It seems he doesn't just sell them to us, he also sells them to the Dwarves and the Rhinos. I know this because I saw him go towards Ingham's Forest.
SC_424228_05When was the last time that the merchant came to Redhill Mountains?
SC_424228_06Let me think, hmmm... It's been a while. Perhaps there is a lack of supplies? Agricultural products aren't always available when you want them. It's annoying. If we're lucky, he will appear soon. You can wait for him for a few days in the camp. \n\nWhat? Master knight would also like to try one of the fruits?
Sys424228_nameThe Whereabouts of the Divine Fruit
Sys424228_szquest_accept_detailOur envoy troop didn't have any intention of staying very long when we first came here, so the supplies we brought were only enough to last a week. But the situation with the Redhill Mountains is much different from what we imagined. When our troop started running low on supplies we had to rely on the wares of traveling merchants to survive. Although there hasn't been a problem so far, the camp is always facing the possibility of a food shortage. \n\nAll the [<S>208274|Divine Fruits] that the envoys have were purchased from the merchants, but they must be getting them from somewhere. Someone must be supplying the merchants with the [<S>208274|Divine Fruits] for them to sell. If you'd like to learn more about the [<S>208274|Divine Fruits] then I suggest you talk to a merchant. He will be able to give you a clear answer.
Sys424228_szquest_complete_detailIt looks like our objective is clear, Special Envoy.
Sys424228_szquest_descAsk the Food Merchant [117173|Lazat Roji] about the source of the [<S>208274|Divine Fruits].
Sys424228_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find the information you were looking for?