result count: 12

SC_Z21_424290_1With a violent gust of wind, a huge shadow falls across the sky…
SC_Z21_424290_10What? How dare you…
SC_Z21_424290_11Lojence: Enough! Stop this meaningless fight!
SC_Z21_424290_12The fire dragons will not work with the suspects! Fine! We will find those blasphemers by ourselves and send them to hell!
SC_Z21_424290_2What is Kadmos doing here?
SC_Z21_424290_3It was my idea. As we are holding a meeting here, let’s also discuss Aynara’s death.
SC_Z21_424290_4No need to discuss! Kadmos violated the law and killed his own kind. He must pay the price!
SC_Z21_424290_5It’s not fair! I was only trying to kill that hybrid bastard. Killing Aynara was an accident…
SC_Z21_424290_6Ridiculous! Killing Morrok is just as bad! The Ancient Dragon Council recognised him as a true dragon a long time ago.
SC_Z21_424290_7But he wasn’t loyal to the true dragons! There were reports that he had frequent contact with the other hybrids.
SC_Z21_424290_8Lojence: Calm down everyone! Now we have a much more serious issue to deal with. Someone is planning to release the Elemental Lord...
SC_Z21_424290_9That’s what I’m talking about! The information about the Elemental Lord was strictly confidential. How can we be sure that Morrok isn’t the one who let out the secret?