result count: 6

SC_424308_01Pozbądź się... tych wichrzycieli....Get rid of...the disruptors.
Sys424308_namePogoń i AtakPursue and Attack
Sys424308_szquest_accept_detailNadzwyczajny Posłańcu! To straszne! \n\n[118310|Kexes Biały Róg] przyszedł tu z jakimiś ludźmi i zabrał naszego mistrza. \n\nOcal go, proszę. Zabrali go w stronę bramy miasta! Musisz uważać. Ci ludzie nie wyglądali jak zwykli żołnierze.Special Envoy! It's terrible! \n\nJust now [118310|Kexes Whitehorn] led a group of people here and took away our master! \n\nPlease go and save him. He was taken in the direction of the city gate! You must be careful. The people he brought with him don't look like typical soldiers!
Sys424308_szquest_complete_detailJak to?! [118310|Kexes Biały Róg] zabrał [118311|Futena Biały Róg]?! \n\nCo ten przeklęty [118310|Kexes] wyprawia?What are you saying?! [118310|Kexes Whitehorn] took [118311|Futen Whitehorn] away?! \n\nWhat is that damn [118310|Kexes Whitehorn] trying to do?!
Sys424308_szquest_descUratuj [118311|Futena Biały Róg], pokonując każdego, który stanie ci na drodze.Rescue [118311|Futen Whitehorn] and defeat any enemies in your path.
Sys424308_szquest_uncomplete_detailCzy wszyscy są wolni? \n\nGdzie jest [118311|Futen Biały Róg]?Have they all been released? \n\nWhere is [118311|Futen Whitehorn]?