result count: 5

Sys424322_nameHealing Remedy
Sys424322_szquest_accept_detailOwww. My foot hurts so much. It's killing me. Oh kindhearted person, can you help me? \n\nA few days ago, when I was passing through the [ZONE_ENGHAN_GIANT_FOREST|Ingham's Forest], I was accidentally bitten by a crafty Kulang. I dressed it in a simple manner, but it didn't help stop the pain or heal the wound...\n\nI once heard someone say that the powder found on the tails of the [<S>105850|Giant Pincer Ferdhoof Mountain Scorpions] in the [ZONE_STEEL_ARENA|Battlefield of Steel] has magical healing properties. You just have to apply it to your wounds and they will all heal quickly...Kindhearted person, can you help me bring back the [<S>240240|Scorpion Tail Powder] of the [<S>105850|Giant Pincer Ferdhoof Mountain Scorpions]? !
Sys424322_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! You finally brought back the [<S>240240|Scorpion Tail Powder]. I will hurry and test out its effects. \n\n(After [118691|Daphne Buglehorn] finishes speaking, she quickly rubs the [240240|Scorpion Tail Powder] on her wounds...)
Sys424322_szquest_descObtain [240240|Scorpion Tail Powder] from [<S>105850|Giant Pincer Ferdhoof Mountain Scorpions] and bring it back to [118691|Daphne Buglehorn].
Sys424322_szquest_uncomplete_detailThose Kulang really are terrible. Next time I see one I won't show it any mercy!