result count: 17
keystring | eneu |
SC_424326_0 | "Ingham, Forest, Planting." |
SC_424326_1 | "Tirsov, Battlefield, Fighting." |
SC_424326_10 | What is going on with your junk here? Keep it out of our way. Why don't you go play somewhere else? |
SC_424326_11 | Move your ear closer to [118299|Katin Ironfist's] shaggy beard. |
SC_424326_2 | "Raefther, Secret Forest, Hunting." |
SC_424326_3 | Remember this. Be sure you don't forget it! |
SC_424326_4 | Speak the Orders |
SC_424326_5 | Don't play games with me! Young fool, this is no place for games! Speak your orders! |
SC_424326_6 | "Ingham, Forests, Planting." |
SC_424326_7 | "Tirsov, Battlefield, Fight." |
SC_424326_8 | "Reafther, Secret Forest, Hunting." |
SC_424326_9 | You are that knight...I never would have guessed by looking at you. |
Sys424326_name | Verbal Orders |
Sys424326_szquest_accept_detail | Even though the lord has maintained that you're not an enemy of the [SC_ZONE20_01|Fireboot Dwarves], I don't see any benefit to keeping information about the events at the [ZONE_FIREBOOT_DWARF_OUTPOST|Fireboot Outpost] from you. I understand your quest, but I must first remind you, it's not a good idea to set out in the next few days. \n\nFind the Intelligence Officer, [118302|Mino Saltpeter], and he should be able to shed some light on all your doubts. I don't have any time to introduce you to him, but if you take my designated [424326|Verbal Orders], then he should understand. |
Sys424326_szquest_complete_detail | It's really surprising that the captain would send someone from outside of the [SC_ZONE20_01|Fireboot Dwarves]. \n\nI think I can guess who you are. You are the knight who has met with the king personally. I just didn't think that you would get here faster than I had anticipated. |
Sys424326_szquest_desc | First ask the busy Captain [118299|Katin Ironfist] about the verbal orders, then report to Outpost Intelligence Officer [118302|Mino Saltpeter], using these orders to identify yourself. |
Sys424326_szquest_uncomplete_detail | If you don't need anything, please don't just stand around here. |