result count: 5

Sys424340_nameMessage in a Bottle
Sys424340_szquest_accept_detailCongratulations, you found me. Your reward is...nothing. \n\nEven I have started to feel bored. Assaults every day just create meaningless anger. I never wanted to be a hero, I just wanted to return to the quiet underground and speak with the stones. That day, when I started smelling the scent of blood, I raised my head and saw that bird. I suddenly imagined what it would be like if I was free like it. \n\nEscape? I heard that there is a kingdom that is providing shelter. I want to go there. At least it will be better than here! It must be. \n\nIf someone picks up this letter, please take it to my brother! I wish him well. \n\nSigned Kulant Blunderbuss
Sys424340_szquest_complete_detailThis letter is... Sigh, it looks like it was written by my missing brother. How could someone from a family of warriors do something so shameful...\n\n...but knowing that he was peaceful is a good thing...Thank you for bringing this letter back.
Sys424340_szquest_descThis letter makes no mention about who exactly it should be given to, but the family name Blunderbuss isn't one that you see often.
Sys424340_szquest_uncomplete_detailYes, it is my missing brother.