result count: 5

Sys424350_nameHelp the Deserters
Sys424350_szquest_accept_detailI just saw that guy, who is more stubborn than the most stubborn of dwarves, nod his head and let you into the village. I don't want to do this, but you're the only person I can ask. \n\nLook at us deserters. Each one of us is a pitiful wretch who deserted the army because he couldn't take the years of continuous hunger and fear of death that this war has brought. \n\nThat's right. We are all losers in this battle. As we were escaping the battlefield, we encountered some thieves who, after seeing our pitiful situation, attacked us. The people who couldn't put up a fight either died or had all their belongings taken from them. \n\nNow the rest of us down and out deserters have gradually banded together. We may have abandoned our kingdom and our honor, but we have also obtained things that can't be matched. By Ingham's name, I hope we don't lose these! \n\nI would like to ask you to <CR>bring back some food and medical supplies for us</CR>. Save us from these failing lives we are living!
Sys424350_szquest_complete_detailI really don't know how to thank you. Even though you are a human and you are not like the stubborn rockhead in the village. You are still willing to bring us these things. You are also different from those bandits as you haven't robbed us! \n\nEven though some of us dwarves have abandoned the Fireboot name, some of us Kalon have abandoned the Heurton name, we will not abandon the person who saved us!
Sys424350_szquest_descLearn more about the wounded soldiers' situation and help them.
Sys424350_szquest_uncomplete_detailWith a shortage of food and medical supplies, our lives are gradually being extinguished....