result count: 6

SC_424351_0If you don't have any supplies you can't save anyone....
Sys424351_nameFood for the Soldiers
Sys424351_szquest_accept_detailI once saw someone from that village bring out some livestock. If I am guessing correctly, the people in this place provide for themselves by raising livestock. When that person came out, the stubborn rock-headed one next to the door called her [118581|Nin Daelas]. \n\nNow that everyone has become so weak, I think that the soldiers will die of hunger before their injuries can kill them. That is why I implore you to go into the village and get some food from [118581|Nin Daelas] or someone else. I don't want to see anyone die this way!
Sys424351_szquest_complete_detailMy starving companions now have the energy to stand because they have eaten. Thank you for everything you have done for us!
Sys424351_szquest_descObtain [<S>240010|Pepper Mushroom Bisque] from [118581|Nin Daelas] and fill the stomachs of the wounded soldiers.\n\n[SC_LOSTANDFOUND|If you accidentally lose a quest item, go back and find ][118581|Nin Daelas].
Sys424351_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy companions can't move because they are so hungry. They can only lie on the ground and conserve their energy. I really want to do something for them, but I can't go too far from here....