result count: 5

Sys424352_nameMake Pepper Mushroom Bisque
Sys424352_szquest_accept_detailOk, we have meat, vegetables and some firewood. Now we can boil something up! \n\nHowever, the [<S>240018|Bundles of Dry Firewood] that you brought are really high quality. It would be a waste to use it as firewood for cooking.... Never mind, you brought it so I'll use it!
Sys424352_szquest_complete_detailYes, let's add some freshly ground nutmeg.... Ok, this [240010|Pepper Mushroom Bisque] is done. Take it! \n\nThat's right. I don't care if you eat this yourself or if you give it to someone else. I am just in charge of the cooking. You can take it from here. It has nothing to do with me. Also, since you brought these materials yourself, I won't request any money from you.
Sys424352_szquest_descCollect some ingredients and firewood and give them to [118581|Nin Daelas].\n\n[SC_LOSTANDFOUND|If you accidentally lose a quest item, go back and find ][118585|Prospero Daelas].
Sys424352_szquest_uncomplete_detailNo ingredients and no firewood means no food!