result count: 5

Sys424357_nameEmergency Treatment
Sys424357_szquest_accept_detailWe have plenty of comrades who have had their life's flame snuffed out on the battlefield; but all I can do is sit here helplessly and watch them fade away!\n\nI've seen people from the village battling with animals that were sick from drinking contaminated water. They are usually followed by a white-haired man with a beard who tends to the sick and wounded. Seems he's called [118596|Pollannax Sandplume]. \n\nI want you to seek this man out and <CR>ask him for medical supplies</CR>. I don't want to have to witness any more Dwarves or Kalon dying like this!
Sys424357_szquest_complete_detailComrades who were at death's door have been fixed up and bandaged. Thanks to you! I can relax for a moment. I don't know how I can ever thank you enough!
Sys424357_szquest_descAsk [118596|Pollannax Sandplume] for more information and obtain [240017|Medical Supplies].\n\nTip:[SC_LOSTANDFOUND|If you accidentally lose a quest item, go back and find ][118596|Pollannax Sandplume].
Sys424357_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou still don't have the medical supplies that our comrades need to bandage up their wounds? Their time is running out......