result count: 5

Sys424360_nameGather cotton and flax
Sys424360_szquest_accept_detailThe quality of that [<S>240011|Flax Leaves] and [<S>240012|Cotton Fibers] you collected earlier is top-drawer. If you help me collect some more, I'll see to it that you're rewarded. How about it?
Sys424360_szquest_complete_detailOhh, all done? Let me see....... \n\nExcellent quality! And here's your reward!
Sys424360_szquest_descProceed to the plains beyond the village and gather [<S>240011|Flax Leaves] and [<S>240012|Cotton Fibers].
Sys424360_szquest_uncomplete_detailHaven't finished gathering it all yet? I'm looking forward to getting my hands on those materials!