result count: 17

SC_424372_01Yes... It looks like going into the castle is the only way, no...?
SC_424372_02Ah, I'm sorry...
SC_424372_04What is that\n?! Die you dead people!!
SC_424372_05Detestable zombies!! My foot!!!
SC_424372_118860It seems this coffin once held a corpse. It appears there is nothing special about it...
SC_424372_118861These wooden barrels are in a mess in the corner. It doesn't look like there is anything inside them...
SC_424372_118862It looks like this body was just casually thrown on to the floor...
SC_424372_118863Who knows why this body was put inside a cage...
SC_424372_DONEThere doesn't seem to be any place special nearby. Go and speak with Axel.
SC_424372_LOCKEDWait for me for a minute. I'm almost done looking over this area...
SC_424372_STARTI don't think I've found anything useful either...
Sys424372_nameScour the area
Sys424372_szquest_accept_detailOk then. We must throw our all into searching this place given all of the trouble we went through to get in. To make such efforts just to putter around and accomplish nothing...Well that would be truly idiotic. \n\nYou search over there, I'll search here. In a few minutes we'll pool what we've found. Let's see if we can figure out what the hell is going on here.
Sys424372_szquest_complete_detailCheeky bastard...!!! My foot.......
Sys424372_szquest_descSearch in the piles of corpses in the tower of [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] for more clues.
Sys424372_szquest_uncomplete_detailyou've finished a thorough search? When you're absolutely sure that you've checked everything, come let me know!