result count: 4

Sys424376_nameLeave this cursed place!
Sys424376_szquest_accept_detailYour friend Morrok is quite a guy. His treatment complimented my saliva perfectly, resulting in a rapid healing process. Even now I can move it around much better!\n\nWe've pretty much done everything we came to do, so what are we waiting around for? \n\nLet's go!
Sys424376_szquest_complete_detailHehe, you're unscathed and not missing any hands or feet... This will make for an easy report to my brother! \n\nWe've achieved an initial success, but it needs to be followed up thoroughly before we can capitalize on it.
Sys424376_szquest_descEscape from [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] with [118603|Axel Kaiyinth].