result count: 5

Sys424402_nameFuten Whitehorn's News
Sys424402_szquest_accept_detailThat's right. When I was on my way here, I happened to come across a Kalon, who was dressed up, being chased by the guards here. He said that his name was [118386|Futen Whitehorn] and that he was captured here. He had finally found a chance to escape but was still being chased. Since I saw it, I couldn't just sit back and watch. I helped him fight off the minion that was chasing him and he gave me his family crest as a keepsake. He asked me to help him take this letter back to his homeland and give it to an appropriate person to make public. This is in order to prevent the dispute between the two kingdoms from getting much worse. \n\nThis letter isn't sealed and, since it will be made public, perhaps you should look at the contents yourself first. It might help you reach your goals. (If you lose the letter, please accept the quest again.)
Sys424402_szquest_complete_detailSo that nobleman has sacrificed himself in order to make everyone here come to a realization? It seems like the person I saved is a hero. I originally thought he was just a simple, unfortunate Kalon...\n\nIt's just that, I have so many other things I have to do and I am not familiar with the [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Kalon]. If it is convenient for you, please help make a trip to [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Kalon] for me. \n\nIt's in your hands.
Sys424402_szquest_descThe noble [118386|Futen Whitehorn] of [ZONE_KALORN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Kalon] pulls out a letter to [118610|Morrok Wallinder] and puts it in your hand. Why don't you read it first? (If you lose the letter, please accept the quest again.)
Sys424402_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat's wrong? \n\nRead the letter first. Perhaps it will be of some use to you.