result count: 4

Sys424403_nameA Brief Goodbye
Sys424403_szquest_accept_detailOk, actually I just spoke with [118603|Axel Kaiyinth]. From what he says, what you guys are working on should be able to bring an end to the tragedy that has befallen this area. His eyes also told me that he is not a bad person. \n\nNo matter what, I must now go and find out more about the dragon experiments. I really want to help you, but I have my own destiny. Furthermore, with you taking care of it, there's nothing to worry about. \n\nSigh. My orders...
Sys424403_szquest_complete_detailFarewell, [$playername]. I'm going to stay here for a while longer and learn more about some things worth learning about. \n\nI think we will meet again very soon. I have a feeling that our fates will cross again.
Sys424403_szquest_descAfter a brief goodbye, [118610|Morrok Wallinder] leaves to fulfil his own destiny.