result count: 4

Sys424406_nameSer ignoradoGetting the Cold Shoulder
Sys424406_szquest_accept_detailDebería pediros que demostrarais vuestra identidad, pero incluso si sois un Enviado Especial de Su Majestad el Rey, el príncipe ha dado órdenes de no ser molestado. ¿Necesitáis algo? \n\n¿Qué pasa con la recogida de cuerpos? Simplemente es una manera de proteger los alrededores de [ZONE_TORES_VILLAGE|Dorris] y de proporcionar un sustento a sus aldeanos. El príncipe ama a sus vasallos igual que a sí mismo. Está realmente ocupado. No tiene tiempo para nadie. Si fuerais Su Excelencia, el mismísimo Rey, tampoco os dejaría entrar.I should ask you to prove your identity, but even if you are a Special Envoy sent by His Majesty, the king, I have orders that the master lord does not wish to see anyone. Do you need something? \n\nWhat's wrong with the body collection? We are just using this method to protect the environment around the [ZONE_TORES_VILLAGE|Village of Dorris] and to provide a way to make a living for the villagers. The lord loves his subjects like he loves himself. He has many things to do. He really doesn't have time. If you were His Excellency, the king himself, you would also be refused.
Sys424406_szquest_complete_detail¿Decís que os han echado? Vaya, no me esperaba eso. No hablará ni siquiera con la gente del Rey de los Humanos. Deben estar haciendo algo que no quieren que el resto vea. Así que no dejan entrar a nadie, ¿eh? ...You say that he kicked you out? Ha, I wasn't expecting that. He won't even see the people of the King of the Humans. They must be doing something in there that they don't want people to see. Hmph, not letting people in huh? ...
Sys424406_szquest_descLa gente del [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Castillo de Sardo] no os dejará entrar a ver al príncipe. Volved e informad a [118603|Axel Kaiyinth].The people of [ZONE_SARDO_BASTILLE|Sardo Castle] won't let you in to see the lord. Go back and tell this to [118603|Axel Kaiyinth].