result count: 5

Sys424407_nameSafety Talisman
Sys424407_szquest_accept_detailHow could I be so careless? I lost the safety talisman. Now I have to spend more time looking for stuff to make another one...I wonder if anyone can help me find it. I don't dare go into battle without a safety talisman. \n\nAdventurer, are you willing to help me find that thing? I am lost without the safety talisman. All you have to do is go to the battlefield, find [118814|Discarded Weapon Pile] and obtain a [240294|Intact Arrow]. This [240294|Intact Arrow] is a piece of the safety talisman. You must use an undamaged arrow to make an effective safety talisman. It has gotten me through many dangerous situations. \n\nAfter you find a [240294|Intact Arrow], bring it back to me. You must move quickly, otherwise I won't be able to go to the battlefield.
Sys424407_szquest_complete_detailExcellent, you found the [240294|Intact Arrow]! Now I can make a new safety talisman. Thank you very much for your help! \n\nWith this safety talisman, I can go to the battlefield without worry. I can't be calm if I don't have a safety talisman on me. \n\nThank you [$playername], for your help. I also wish you safety on the battlefield.
Sys424407_szquest_desc[118813|Yoliput] wants a [240294|Intact Arrow] to make a safety talisman and has asked you to help him find it. \n\nGo to the battlefield to look for a [118814|Discarded Weapon Pile] and obtain one [240294|Intact Arrow]. Then bring it back to [118813|Yoliput] so that he can make a new safety talisman.
Sys424407_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou haven't found the [240294|Intact Arrow] yet? If you can, please hurry and find it for me. You're the only one I can count on.