result count: 5

Sys424408_nameTraditional Dorris Treats
Sys424408_szquest_accept_detailSo you want me to prepare a big feast for everyone? You could've told me earlier!\n\nIt's been a long time since I had such a big job. I don't have enough ingredients! And you say that it's an official sent by the king!! I can't just pick up dried Chupura meat, which is harder than a rock, to improvise. It would destroy the reputation of [SC_CHIPEY_SANK_IN_BARREL|Chupura in the Wine Barrel]! \n\nHow about this, <CR>you go help me pick up some seasonings and top-quality ingredients and I will help you make the food</CR>? What do you think? We'll start whenever you bring back the ingredients!
Sys424408_szquest_complete_detailOk, now that we have the ingredients, we can add some seasonings. Now just sit back and wait for the feast! \n\nYes? [118290|Sanchies Matin]! Don't think I can't hear the chatter from the bar. Do you know what discrimination means? Do you want to have to eat another month's worth of dried Chupura meat?
Sys424408_szquest_descAfter collecting various ingredients and seasonings, give them to the tavern chef, [118581|Nin Daelas], to make into [545229|A Lavish Portion of Traditional Dorris Treats] for the envoy.\n\n[SC_LOSTANDFOUND|If you accidentally lose a quest item, go back and find ][118585|Prospero Daelas].
Sys424408_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat are you waiting for? Hurry up and bring back the ingredients and seasonings I need!