result count: 5

Sys424453_nameBountiful Bodana
Sys424453_szquest_accept_detailMyrmex are an intractable problem... There are just so many of them. If we can't get them under control it won't matter how many men we throw at them, the cycle of violence and bloodshed will just grind on. [$playername], you've been fighting the Myrmex for a while now- you know what I'm talking about.\n\nThe brothers who entered Kulech's Bones Nest last time uncovered traces of two queen Myrmex. It seems the faction of [106292|Kulech Queen Bodana] has confined the faction of [106300|New Myrmex Queen Balenq] to the [ZONE_QRICH_CADAVER_DEN|Kulech Bones Nest]. They cannot expand and do not pose threat.\n\nI want you to take care of Bodana, queen of the Kulech faction. She pumps out offspring like a machine and is a major thorn in our side. We have to take care of her first if we want to break the current stalemate.
Sys424453_szquest_complete_detailBy the look of it you've been through hell and back... I'm sorry. Go and have a rest. Continue the fight when you're feeling better.
Sys424453_szquest_descKill [106292|Kulech Queen Bodana].
Sys424453_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt's hard to know which faction will prevail. Today the faction of [106300|New Myrmex Queen Balenq] is confined to [ZONE_QRICH_CADAVER_DEN|Kulech Bones Nest] and cannot get out. No doubt it has something to do with an alliance between Maderoth and Bodana's faction. How it happened is not important. As long as their confinement benefits us in some way that's all I care about.