result count: 5

Sys424460_nameEffective Cough Medicine
Sys424460_szquest_accept_detailCough...cough cough...\n\nI have no more strength... How can I deliver the items to Sardis Post...\n\nAre you willing to help me? At the village entrance there is an alchemist called [118981|Amden Andrew]. It seems that he is very good at making potions. Can I ask you to get some [<S>240603|Miracle Cures] for me? I've heard that he is a little strange, so it might be troublesome for you... First fulfill his request... Then he'll give you the potion...\n\nCough..cough cough. There is no one else to help me...I might die from sickness...Cough...cough cough...
Sys424460_szquest_complete_detailI hope this potion will take effect quickly...Cough...cough cough...
Sys424460_szquest_descGo to [118981|Amden Andrew] near the village entrance and obtain the [240603|Miracle Cure] needed by [119199|Aliyah Milfen].
Sys424460_szquest_uncomplete_detail([119199|Aliyah Milfen] weakly sits on a box...)