result count: 12

SC_424495_01I heard that you have a pearl that you would like to sell?
SC_424495_02Information travels quickly. That is correct. It is a high-quality pearl. Have a look. It has a beautiful luster, no? You look like you know what you're talking about. I won't talk too much nonsense. Give me the money and the item is yours.
SC_424495_03Give the [240538|Purse] to Dobla.
SC_424495_04Okay, we'll make the trade. I look forward to doing business with you in the future.
SC_424495_CHECKYou've already put on the [240537|Merchant Garb].
SC_424495_COMPLETE_01Congratulations for retrieving the item. Now I have to go see what Dobla's expression is.
SC_424495_WEARYou put on the [240537|Merchant Garb].
Sys424495_nameSuffer the Consequences
Sys424495_szquest_accept_detailWhile Dobla was boasting, he let the truth slip out. I know a bit about his process for cheating people. His method is simple. When you aren't looking, he'll drop the real item into a bag with a fake one in order to switch them. When he is doing the appraisal, he likes to say that your item is cheap. The item you brought really is a pearl. Dobla is now thinking of a way to sell it.\n\nAy, if he doesn't change his ways, misfortune will come to him someday and he'll cause me to suffer as well. He must be taught a lesson before that happens. I hope you can pretend you're a buyer and use his own method to get that pearl back. Put the real and fake pearls into the same money pouch to swap them. We must reap what we sow. This way Dobla will see that someone has figured out his crafty tricks and is watching his every move! It will make him be more careful!
Sys424495_szquest_complete_detailSo that stone really was a pearl. I must take it back to my father and let him put it into the money box.
Sys424495_szquest_descDisguise yourself as a buyer and [545483|Retrieve the pearl].
Sys424495_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhy does he say we were cheated? Were we cheated?